Friday, February 04, 2005

A peesa Pizza

It was that time of year in the primary school academic term when all the parents get invited to meet their childs teacher. It was the young girls teacher we had to see.

After the usual "hellos" and "nice to meet yous" he went on to tell us that my girl is doing fine at school. Not in the top flight but making steady progress. I was quite proud of her. On parting he said we could go and look at her work in the classroom if we wished.

We were looking at all her spellings and sums and then we came to her account of a friends birthday party she had been to a few weeks ago, cinema first then Pizza Hut after.

She'd written...

"I went to Katies party at the pictures and watched Sharks tail, then we all went for a piss at the pissa hut."

Bless her!