Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Goggle Eyed

I must be reverting back to my childhood.

There I was, relaxing in the armchair, after the evening meal, with a nice mug of coffee. The children were watching CBeebies channel. Bob the Builder was on, with the Tweenies next. I decided to read the local evening newspaper. ( A link if you want to catch up on all the local news.)

The wife said to the kids, "Come on, Bob the Builders finished, time to go upstairs to get ready for bed."

Wife and kids disappear.

I crack on with reading newspaper.

Quarter of an hour later, wife returns.

" Why are you watching the Tweenies. " she said.

And there it was, my secrets out, I'm a Tweenie addict. Of course I mumbled something about not being able to find the remote, but the fact remains, I was caught watching a kids programme.

I must be getting younger!