Sunday, November 07, 2004

Air Guitar vs Mozart

I cooked the evening meal today.(Before you start, I do it quite often on Sundays, cooking that is!)

A nice Balti Tomato and Coriander chicken curry a la Pataks with rice. It was a work of art. Whilst I was preparing it, I opened a bottle of French red and switched on the radio to BBC Radio 3 and was rewarded with a rendition of a Mozart symphony. I popped my head into the lounge to see what was happening, and to my horror the wife had Sade playing on the Hi-Fi, shortly followed by disco music. I swiftly retreated to the kitchen, to the calm and peace of Mozart.

After the meal and the washing up was done, the wife was watching Antiques Roadshow, so I snuck into the kitchen with the portable CD player, armed with my birthday CD, Status Quo- Excess All Areas, wopped the volume up, and did a satisfying air guitar session.(Somebody has got to do it, and I am at that age!)

"Can you turn it down," she shouted.

"Nope, I can get it Down, Down, deeper and down."

Nuff said.