Thursday, December 16, 2004

Ho Bloody Ho

We've been working very hard in the store these last couple of months and made some really good sales. The management team have been telling us how brilliant we are and how we are 10% above targets. We were looking on the notice board at the memo that detailed how much Christmas bonus we would get and licking our lips. 10% above target was 10% of our 6 monthly salary. It was true. We rubbed our eyes again. It was true, it says so on the notice board. 10% above target = 10% of our 6 monthly salary. We were all going to get some big bucks for Christmas. Yippee!

Then the buggers moved the goalposts.

Because of the refit that we had done in the summer, we were told, the company added an extra £500,000 to our targets, around about 18% extra, so we have failed to meet the target and our bonus will be 1% of our 6 monthly salary. This comes to about £30 after tax. Management had known about this for months and neglected to tell us. So there we were these last few months working our socks of for bugger all. To say that the workforce is angry would be an understatement. So if you've got some last minute presents to buy, don't come into my store, the well known high street chemists, that has it's head office in Nottingham and was founded by a Jesse, but at the moment has an ex Asda man in charge, because..... will get your head bit off!