Sunday, August 22, 2004

Blagging at Oakwell

Seeing as it's the start of another weeks holiday from work,(your probabley asking wether this guy ever works!) and it was a nice sunny day, we went picnicing at Oakwell Hall country park.

We often take the kids to Oakwell, because theres some nice walks in open country and woodland. Theres always something changed from the last time we visited.

This time,after our sandwiches and fizzy pop, we decided to do some blagging. For those of you who don't know what blagging is, let me explain.

There are a lot of wild blackberry bushes at Oakwell, and at this time of year, they're in full fruit, so blagging is the Yorkshire term for picking blackberries.

Some people couldn't be bothered harvesting this free food, but then they aren,t going to be eating the delicious blackberry and apple pie that my wife will be baking tomorrow.

I'll be back next month for the mushrooms!!