Wednesday, August 11, 2004

The Invisible Irish navvies

I got a phone call at work today. It was my wife.

"Can you get £100 from the bank?" she said.

"What for?" I asked.

"Wev'e had some Irish workmen at the door, offering to take the rubble away, and they only want £100 to do it."

I must explain. In a fit of madness, call it what you will, we decided one day to rip up the tarmac and concrete from our garden path, a legacy from the previous owners, only when we'd finished and turned round to look at the mess there must be at least 3 tons of rubble piled up on our drive.

It's been there 3 months now and I think the wife's getting fed up of me telling her that I'll get a skip, so she seems to have taken matters into her own hands.

Anyway, the navvies were due to come at 6 this evening, but they never turned up, so if youv'e got a wagon or a van, I may have a little job that needs doing. There's £100 in it for you!