Thursday, August 19, 2004

The Binmen cometh

Up until this morning, we hadn't seen a binman around here for two weeks.

We have wheely bins which you have to drag to the front of your drive every Wednesday morning before 7.30 am. ( Just in case the binmen turn up early. ) This I did last week, before 6 am and they never showed up.Sometimes they come the following day but they didn't. Oh well I thought, the bins not that full, I'll wait till next week.

I dutifully put the bin out again, Wednesday morning, pre 7.30 and guess what? That's right , they never showed up.

This morning, 11 o'clock came round, still no binmen, so I said, "Right, I'm phoning the sods up."

I was asking the waste disposal officer on the line, what he was going to do about the missing binmen and when, if ever, we would get our bins emptied, when who should turn up, yes the binmen!

"The binmen have just arrived, " I said to him, "that was quick, I only just phoned you!"

Don't you just hate that. Flipping council.