Monday, August 02, 2004

Shire horses in Bradford

Day 9 of the hols saw us in the fine city of Bradford. ( alright I know, less of the fine!) We went to see the shire horses at work in the Industrial museum. There wasn't many patrons about, we were just about the only ones there, apart from two couples with kids who seemed to know each other. By heck, there was a lot of one-upmanship going on between them. They were more entertaining than the horses. Why do people have the ability to make complete ass-holes of themselves and not realise they are doing it? If I ever did, and I probably have many times, I wish somebody would tell me, so I could go and hide somewhere. Anyway, once they had beggared off, we more or less had the place to ourselves but we got the distinct feeling that the staff wanted to lock up especially as the security man kept following us around. Perhaps he thought I was going to tie a shire horse to my car and drive away. I'm sure he overtook me on the way home!