Monday, July 05, 2004

Wildlife in the garden

The wife and I were quite taken by the tv programme "Britain's going wild" with Bill Oddy and Kate Humble which was on a few weeks ago. So much so that I went a bit daft on one of my passions, woodworking. (Sad aint I.) We now have 2 birdboxes,1 bumble bee box,1 insect nest box and my next project is going to be a nesting box for hedgehogs.
On top of that, we also created a wildlife pond, not a very big one, its made out of a 15" plantpot from Asda, sunk into the ground with some aquatic plants in it. You may mock, but 3 frogs have taken up residence already. Also, we have 2 birdfeeders and a birdtable. At the moment some young blackbirds visit us for the wedges of apple we put out,blue tits (no jokes) come for the peanuts, sparrows with their young, come for the seeds we put out. Other birds we've seen are Jays,Magpies,Collared Doves,Woodpigeon,Robins,Starlings and we woke up one morning to see a Heron stood at the side of the pond.
All this has cost a fortune in time and materials, is it worth it? I think so.
Question-How come you can never get the last half inch of ketchup out of the bottle?