Sunday, July 04, 2004

Red House in the rain

My wife decided that the "somewhere nice" (see previous post) that we were to go to, would be Red House at Gomersal. Bugger, I thought, that,s me not watching the BAR team win the French grand prix.
As it happened they didn,t.(Bloody Shumacher!)
Red House is a museum of sorts furnished as it was like in the mid 1800's with a very good,well stocked garden.
"They're having lot's of games on the lawn at Red House," said the wife,"croquet,hoops,diablo,skittles,horseshoes, the kids will love it."
"But it's pouring it down and Jensons on the telly," said I,bravely.
"All you think about is motor-racing," she replied, "get some culture down you for a change."
So ten minutes later we were on the road, with the rain coming down harder.
"They'll not hold it in this." I said.But the silly sods did! Only about ten people turned up, but the organizers gave their all.Have you tried playing croquet on a wet lawn? Granted, a lot of the games had been moved inside, and the kids enjoyed it, also the sun came out a bit later on. But was it worth missing M Shumacher win again? Oh well, there's Euro 2004 final tonight, or is there a romantic comedy on the other side?
Todays question-Does anyone eat the bones in a tin of sardines? You know the horrible backbone that you get tomato sauce all over you when trying to dispose of. Ugh!