Saturday, July 03, 2004

Saturday Downs and Ups

Saturday morning and we're down the supermarket. I normally go on Sunday, on my own, but it has been decided by the boss that we will go somewhere nice tomorrow and the shopping must be done today. And worse still, she will accompany me with my two young children in tow. Great, I think, that's an extra £20 on the shopping bill.
When she comes with me it's always the same, " Ooooh look at these Fred, they're on 3 for 2, we'll have some, they are bound to come in." God knows what she wants with three jars of pickled baby gherkins. In another years time, she'll find them in the back of the cupboard, when it's spring cleaning time, pronounce them out of date and chuck them into the bin. Then she'll turn round to me and accuse me of buying junk that nobody eats.
Saturday evening posting this blog with the window open, the fragrance of the night scented stocks wafting in and listening to an open air concert going on just half a mile up the hill. A bit like a local "Last night of the proms." Not bad.
Question- Why do pedestrians at pelican crossings press the wait button then walk across if the roads clear. You get there 2 minutes later in your car, to be stopped by a red light with no-one wanting to cross in sight? Infuriating!