Tuesday, March 22, 2005

New Project

Here we go again!

No sooner had the dust settled on the the trellis erecting project, the wife decided she wanted some decking laying down in the pebbled area at the back of the garage. This area is partially enclosed by more trellis with honeysuckle and climbing roses growing up it. It measures approx 12ft by 9ft and is pebbled, with a few clumps of thyme growing. We put a double garden chair in there during the warmer months, but it wobbles a bit on the pebbles, hence the decking. It's only going to be 6ftx 4ft.

I made a start yesterday by cementing the first supporting post in but I'll have to wait till the weekend till I can get back to it. I'll post a photo when it's done.

The kids break up from school on Thursday for 2 weeks Easter holidays. My lad said this morning, "Hoorah, only three more days to go."

The wife, rolling her eyes and groaning, said, "Yehhh." in a, I've got to put up with two kids for two weeks kind of voice.

I'll be at work.